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Gender Pay Gap Report 2022


Snapshot Date: 5 April 2022

The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference in average earnings between men and women within an organisation.


This report analyses the gender pay gap within Retail Merchant Services Ltd. (the “Company”) based on the pay data as at the Snapshot Date. 


As at the Snapshot Date, the mean gender pay gap at the Company was found to be -0.2%. While the median gives a different perspective, showing an 11.4% difference between male and female indicators, the Company notes the reduction of both figures in comparison to the numbers reported in 2021, when the median hourly pay for females was 31.8% lower than males, and the mean was 17.8 % lower. 


It is worth noting that the Company’s mean gap is below the national average, reported at 5.45%, while the median is above it, as the median national gap reported is 9.71%in 2022. 


In what regards bonus pay, nearly 90% of women in the organization received bonus pay, a significantly higher percentage than men (71%). However, the mean gap is significantly favourable to men, reporting a 53.28% difference. The median reported is zero.


To further understand the gender pay gap, it is essential to analyse it at different job levels within the company. The following breakdown provides data on the percentage of men and women in each hourly pay quarter:

Upper hourly pay quarter


Men - 67%

Women - 33%

Upper middle hourly pay quarter


Men - 60%

Women - 40%

Lower middle hourly pay quarter


Men - 67%

Women - 33%

Lower hourly pay quarter


Men - 50%

Women - 50%

This report has been approved by the board of Retail Merchant Services Limited and the accuracy of the data it contains is hereby confirmed.